When he is able to procure said bean for Rumplestiltskin, Smee wants eternal life in return. In the Enchanted Forest, Rumplestiltskin has become the Dark One when he meets William Smee who says he trades in “hard to find objects,” such as a magic bean that can transport one between worlds. He says that he is not happy that she is with Mr. Gold goes to see Moe French, when he cannot find Belle. David talks about taking over as sheriff, until Emma returns. In Storybrooke, the Dwarves and David Nolan are seen digging underground in an attempt to find Fairy Dust, in order to rescue Mary Margaret Blanchard and Emma Swan, whilst Henry and Ruby look on. When the captain, Killian Jones, proposes that they fight for Milah, Rumplestiltskin is too cowardly to pick up the sword, and implores Jones, "Please sir, what am I going to tell my boy?" To which Jones replies, "Try the truth, his father's a coward."

Rumplestiltskin goes aboard their ship and begs for Milah back. In the Enchanted Forest, a woman informs Rumplestiltskin that Milah has been kidnapped by the men that she was with in the pub. “You don’t need power, you need courage, to let me in,” she says. Gold tells her that it was nothing, just a couple of spells to enhance his power. He tries to change the subject by getting her breakfast, but she insists on an answer. Gold about the magic she had seen him creating in the basement. Rumplestiltskin disagrees, and asks her to at least try living there a bit longer. She tells him she wants them all to go to a new village, and start a new life, where she does not have to be labeled a "coward's wife". That night, Rumplestiltskin and Milah talk, and Milah reassures him that she had not wanted for him to have died in the Ogre Wars, but he should had at least fought. However, when she sees Baelfire is with him, she wordlessly goes home with them. She tells him to "run home", because "it's what he's good at".

In the former Enchanted Forest, Rumplestiltskin finds his wife socializing in a pub with a bunch of sailors. Always has been, always will be!" After waking up, Belle finds him in the basement spinning gold, and putting a thread of it into a beaker. Rumplestiltskin, as the Dark One, turns around and says, "Oh it's me, dearie. Gold to stop telling him that this is not who he is. Gold returning his axe and accuses him of keeping Belle as just another one of his possessions. Gold choking Leroy, after Leroy insists on Mr. In Storybrooke, Belle is having a bad dream about Mr.